The Office Reborn

Das Büro bleibt wichtig, aber es bekommt eine neue Form.

"Was passieren könnte ist, dass Firmen Stamm-Mitarbeiter und periphere Mitarbeiter haben. Die peripheren Mitarbeiter müssen nicht in derselben Stadt arbeiten, aber es wird immer noch einen substanziellen Anteil von Leuten geben, die im Hauptbüro bleiben werden."
Ravi Gajendran
Dozent - Florida International University

Das Büro der Zukunft wird zahlreiche Formen haben, aber im Kern bleibt die Wichtigkeit eines bequemen und sicheren Workspaces, an dem wir uns treffen, arbeiten und weiterentwickeln können.


Most people have a desire to return to the office after the pandemic, missing a social place to work. Everything points to the need for a space to meet, share insights, and get away from the home environment. 

However, we cannot assume the future office will take the same shape as the office of the past – there is currently a rebirth of the office, reshaping it into new and more flexible forms better suited to the future of mobile work life.

Schweden wollen ein Büro – für die Hälfte der Woche 


Comfort and solitude are essential for many individuals in order to be productive and feel fulfilled at work. However, these needs are not always met when working from home. The office provides a dedicated space for work and can provide the necessary level of comfort and solitude needed for employees to focus and perform their best.

Additionally, being in an office environment can create a sense of separation between work and personal life, which can be beneficial for maintaining a work-life balance. While working from home can have its benefits, it cannot always provide the same level of comfort and solitude that an office can offer.

Alle Generationen wollen ein Büro (aber nicht Vollzeit)


The move towards remote and hybrid working models has brought to light the importance of certain aspects of the workplace that were previously taken for granted. These include natural breaks that occur as we transition between different rooms or spaces, social interaction at water coolers and coffee machines, and cues for managers to understand the well-being of their employees.

In the place-independent mobile workplace of the future, these aspects will need to be actively managed, rather than being a natural by-product of working in a physical location. This highlights the need for a shift from passive to active management of location-related factors in order to create a desirable and effective work environment.

Schweden haben den größten Komfort im Büro.


Unsere Software-Plattform definiert neu, wie ein Workplace gemanagt wird, bietet ein Reihe von Angeboten zu Verbesserung der Angestelltenzufriedenheit und liefert dabei tiefere Einsichten für datengestützte Entscheidungen innerhalb der Organisation.

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